BMD overview

This section brings together information about Becker muscular dystrophy from across the website. Much of the information here is especially relevant for individuals and families affected by BMD, but family doctors and researchers should also find something of interest.

Browse through this section for specific information about BMD, and also take a look at the other areas of our website for more general information about TREAT-NMD and the resources we offer.

About BMD

An overview of Becker muscular dystrophy - how it is caused, how it is inherited, and what its symptoms are

Patient registries

Register in your national patient registry and become part of the international registry for people with BMD around the world


Patient organizations

See a list of patient organizations and advocacy groups providing support for BMD patients and families across the world

Meetings and events

Meetings and events that are of interest to the BMD community

12 Apr 2017