Meetings and Events

This page aims to provide a comprehensive listing of meetings and events relevant to the neuromuscular field. Please be aware that both TREAT-NMD events, and those organised by external parties, are listed below. If you wish to notify us of an event that should be included in our listing, please complete the event form on the site update page.

Meetings and events in a monthly calendar format

16 - 17 Sep 2019

British Myology Society Annual Meeting
Sultan Nasrin Shah Conference Centre Worcester College Oxford Oxford



15 - 16 Nov 2019

Action Duchenne Annual International Conference - November 2019
Jurys Inn, Hinckley Island, Leicestershire



9 - 11 Dec 2019

6th TREAT-NMD International Conference
Leiden , The Netherlands



Although every effort is made to ensure this meetings and events section is accurate and up-to-date sometimes venues and dates are changed without our knowledge.

We recommend you visit specific meeting websites using links provided to make certain of current details.

28 Nov 2018