Our glossary below represents the most common acronyms and abbreviations used within the TREAT-NMD network. Periodically we will update this page with any more we encounter.
If you would like an entry to be included in this list please contact [email protected]
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
A | |
AD | Action Duchenne (UK) |
AFM | Association Française contre les Myopathies (France) |
AON | Antisense Oligonucleotides |
AOs | Antisense Oligonucleotides |
B | |
BMBF | Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) |
BMD | Becker Muscular Dystrophy |
C | |
CDA | Confidential Disclosure Agreement |
CINRG | Cooperative International Neuromuscular Research Group |
CMD | Congenital Muscular Dystrophy |
CMS | Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes |
CMT | Charcot Marie Tooth |
CoE | Centre of Excellence |
CoI | Club of Interest |
CRO | Clinical Research Organisation |
CSO | Chief Scientific Officer |
CTCC | Clinical Trials Co-ordination Centre |
CTSR | Clinical Trial Site Registry |
D | |
DFSG | Duchenne Family Support Group |
DHEA | Dehydroepiandrosterone |
DM1 | Myotonic Dystrophy 1 |
DMD | Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy |
DoW | Description of Work also known as Action Plan |
E | |
EAMDA | European Alliance of neuroMuscular Disorders Associations |
EBB | EuroBioBank |
EC | Ethics Council |
EFGCP | European Forum for Good Clinical Practice |
EMEA | European Medicines Agency |
ENMC | European NeuroMuscular Centre |
ESHG | European Society of Human Genetics |
EUCERD | European Union Committee of Experts on Rare Diseases |
EURORDIS | European Organisation for Rare Diseases |
F | |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
FSHD | Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy |
FSMA | Families of SMA |
FTELE | Fondazione Telethon |
G | |
GB | Governing Board |
H | |
HIBM | Hereditary inclusion body myopathy |
I | |
ICC | International Coordinating Committee (SMA) |
ICH | International Conference on Harmonisation |
ILC | Industrial Liaison Council |
IMT | Integrative Management Team |
INSERM | Institut National de Santé et de la recherche médicale |
IP | Integrated Project |
IPUDC | Intellectual Property Use and Dissemination Committee |
J | |
JPA | Joint Program of Activities |
JPI | Joint Program of Integration |
JPR | Joint Program of Research |
JPSE | Joint Program of Spreading Excellence |
K | |
KI | Karolinska Institute |
L | |
LGMD | Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy |
LUMC | Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (Leiden University medical Centre) |
M | |
MD | Muscular Dystrophy |
MDA | Muscular Dystrophy Association |
MDC | Muscular Dystrophy Campaign |
MDEX | A consortium of exon skipping researchers in the UK |
MD-NET | German Muscular Dystrophy Network |
MFM | Motor Function Measure |
MHRA | Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency |
MRC | Medical Research Council |
MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
MTM-CNM | Myotubular (Centronuclear) Myopathy |
N | |
NC | Network Coordinator |
NIEH | Fodor Jozsef National Institute of Environmental Health (Hungary) |
NIH | National Institutes of Health (USA) |
NMD | Neuromuscular Diseases |
NoE | Network of Excellence |
Novamen | A French SME specialised in Research Promotion and Management Consulting |
O | |
OC | Oversight committee |
OM | Outcome Measures |
P | |
PAR | Periodic Activity Report |
PEALS | Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre |
PEC | Project Ethics council |
PFM | Project Finance Manager |
PI | Principal Investigator |
PPMD | Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy |
Q | |
QA / QC | Quality Assurance / Quality Control |
R | |
ROM | Registry of Outcome Measures |
S | |
SBMA | Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy |
SC | Sub Committee |
SMA | Spinal Muscular Atrophy |
SME | Small to Medium Enterprise |
SMN | Survival Motor Neuron gene |
SNT | Santhera Pharmaceuticals |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedures |
STAC | Science and Technology Advisory Council |
STREP | Specific Targeted Research Project |
T | |
TACT | TREAT-NMD Advisory Committee for Therapeutics |
TGDOC | TREAT-NMD Global Database Oversight Committee |
TNCC | TREAT-NMD Coordination Centre |
TREAT-NMD | Translational Research in Europe – Assessment & Treatment of Neuromuscular Diseases |
U | |
UAB | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona |
UCL | Université Catholique de Louvain |
UCLON | University College London |
UNEW | University of Newcastle |
UNIFE | Neuromuscular & Molecular-Genetic Unit of the University of Ferrara |
UPPMD | United Parent Projects Muscular Dystrophy |
V | |
VC | Venture Capital |
W | |
WES | Whole Exome Sequencing |
WMS | World Muscle Society |
12 Apr 2017