Global database oversight committee - TGDOC
The TREAT-NMD Global Database Oversight Committee (TGDOC) is composed of representatives of the TREAT-NMD network plus representatives of patient organisations and each national registry. The Chair of the committee is Dr Craig Campbell, the Chair-elect is Dr Anna Ambrosini and the outgoing Chair is Dr Nathalie Goemans.
The TGDOC is responsible for reviewing all requests for data from the global database. This is intended to be a streamlined and rapid procedure in order not to delay approval. Requests will be responded to within a set time period of two weeks.
A list of all committee members is provided below, together with their disclosure statements.
Explanatory note: Examples of financial interest/arrangements to be disclosed include employment, grant support, honoraria, equity, ownership and royalties from a commercial organization within the last 3 years (after 01-01-2009) and valued at more than 2,000 Euro.
Craig Campbell - Chair - TGDOC
Pediatric Neurologist - London Health Sciences Centre
Dr Campbell practices at the Children’s Hospital-London Health Sciences Centre and at the University of Western Ontario, where he is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Clinical Neurology, and Epidemiology and Biostatistics. He is currently the medical director of the Pediatric Neuromuscular Clinic and the Pediatric Neurophysiology Laboratory.
Anna Ambrosini - Vice-Chair - TGDOC
Research Program Manager - Fondazione Telethon
Representative of the Italian registry of patients with neuromuscular diseases-onlus
Anna Ambrosini (PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology) has 15 years experience in research laboratories active in the field of neuroscience. Since 2001 she has been Research Program Manager for the Italian Fondazione Telethon, where, in particular, she is responsible for developing programs in the field of inherited neuromuscular diseases.
Nathalie Goemans - Outgoing Chair of TGDOC
M.D - UZ Leuven
Dr Nathalie Goemans (M.D. PhD) is a paediatrician and child neurologist, with certification in rehabilitation medicine and is currently head of the Neuromuscular Reference Centre within the department of Paediatrics and Child Neurology at the University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium, and consultant in neuropediatrics at DVC St Jozef Antwerp, Belgium, a rehabilitation centre with residential setting for neuromuscular patients.