Become a member

We would like to recognise the valuable work in the neuromuscular field that many organizations, institutions, companies and individuals are undertaking with an invitation to become a member of the new TREAT-NMD Alliance.
Members benefit from closer ties with the network and we will work together with them to help implement the goals, from improved patient care to specialist scientific training, worldwide.
As our EU funding came to an end we began to develop a new charter and governance structure, enabling the network to grow and develop scientifically and geographically. Our charter is available here to download and applicants will need to agree to adhere to this as part of a requirement of membership.
To begin your membership process please select the link on the left and fill out the online form.
Unless you specifically request for your details not to be published, your details will be included on the membership page on the website.
If you wish to discuss possible membership further, please contact us.