
- Contact
- Cathy Turner Cathy Turner is Duchenne Programme and TACT Coordinator at the John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research...
All non-confidential summaries from these applications are now available from the TACT section of the TREAT-NMD website.
Looking forward, the dates of the upcoming TACT review meetings have now been confirmed:
17th meeting: Vienna, Austria 4-5th July 2018
18th meeting: Chicago, Illinois, USA 3-4th November 2018
TACT and the Secretariat would like to gratefully acknowledge the continued support received from patient organisations which make these meetings possible.
If you wish to find out more about TACT you can view a video of a presentation given by Dr Cristina Csimma and Dr Sharon Hesterlee at the Partnering for Cures - Faster Cures Conference in New York City, November 2012. View video here.