Clinical evaluator training

Clinical evaluator training
  • Contacts
  • Michelle Eagle
    Michelle Eagle
    Michelle has worked in neuromuscular disorders for nearly 20 years. Clinically, she is responsible for the...

Any trial will require its investigators and study staff to follow a particular set of procedures as set out in the trial protocol and manual of operations. For a multicentre study, training needs to be carried out to ensure that all investigators across all sites carry out all procedures, including the trial’s specific outcome measures, in a consistent fashion.

TREAT-NMD is able to organize and host this type of training, making use of the expert staff and trial facilities integrated within the network.

We performed the European arm of the clinical evaluator training for the trial of PTC124 (ataluren) in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, bringing together evaluators from sites across Europe to standardize their testing procedures, and our experienced clinical evaluators are on the scientific advisory boards of many other companies.

12 Apr 2017