Feasibility studies

Feasibility studies
  • Contact
  • Rebecca Leary
    Rebecca Leary
    Becca Leary is a member of the TREAT-NMD Secritariat and responsible for the Global SMA...

One of the most exciting advantages of the TREAT-NMD trial site and patient registries is the way they enable companies to conduct market analyses and feasibility assessments with far less effort and at an earlier stage than before. Questions ranging from the number of patients per country fulfilling certain inclusion criteria to the number of trial sites with experience in a particular technique or study type can be answered with a targeted feasibility enquiry to our registries, resulting in valuable information that can help companies establish how many sites would be required to fulfil their recruitment goals or how many countries they would need to run their study in.

All of the TREAT-NMD registries keep the same mandatory dataset. Details of the data set for each disease is shown below.

DMD dataset

SMA dataset

Since this information is so readily available through our registries, we encourage companies to contact us or complete a form to express your interest at an early stage in their trial planning, as an early enquiry based on preliminary data can help focus and refine trial plans.

DMD Form

SMA form

Enquiry flow chart

12 Apr 2017