Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy

Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy

There are many registries that have been set-up across the world that specifically collect data from patients with DMD/BMD.

Some of this data comprises of an internationally agreed mandatory dataset which sets out the information that all national registries should collect in order for their data to be directly comparable in the TREAT-NMD Global Registry. The Global DMD Registry collects data from over 30 national registries which relates to over 13,000 patients.

If you are a patient (or parent/guardian of a patient) with DMD and would like to register in a DMD Registry then you should do this via the registry in your country if one is available.

National registries for DMD

DMD Registry - Denmark
DMD Registry - Denmark

More information about the Danish registries can be obtained by contacting Ulla Werlauff from the National Danish Rehabilitation Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases.

More Info

Call +45 89482222
Website rcfm.dk


NMD registry - New Zealand
NMD registry - New Zealand

The NZ NMD Registry covers all neuromuscular disorders that it's primary sponsor, MDANZ, supports.

More Info

Website www.mda.org.nz


DMD Registry - Algeria
DMD Registry - Algeria

An Algerian NMD Patient Registry is open, and patients with DMD/BMD or SMA, or their families, can find more information about this registry on the website: http://shifadz.wix.com/asso

More Info

Website http://shifadz.wix.com/asso


DMD registry - Argentina
DMD registry - Argentina

The Argentinian DMD registry is now active. For more information please contact Soledad Monges.

More Info

Call 541148011327


SMA Registry - Argentina
SMA Registry - Argentina

The Argentinian SMA registry is now active. For more information please contact Soledad Monges.

More Info

Call 541148011327


DMD registry - Australia
DMD registry - Australia

In Australia, Duchenne Foundation Australia, in conjunction with the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation, other support groups and affected families, made representations to state and federal politicians and health ministers to establish a national registry.

More Info

Call +61 892226842


DMD registry - Austria
DMD registry - Austria

The Austrian patient registry for Duchenne Musucular Dystrophy is located at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich and co-sponsored by the German Duchenne Parents Project benni&co. The investigator in charge is Dr. Maggie Walter and you can contact the registry here if you have any questions. Patients with DMD can register online at www.treat-nmd.de.

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DMD registry - Belarus
DMD registry - Belarus

The Belarusian Patient Registries for SMA and DMD are currently in the planning stages. Efforts are underway to set them up in a collaboration between doctors and the NMD section of the patient organization Belapdiimi.

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DMD registry - Brazil
DMD registry - Brazil

DMD/BMD and SMA patient registries are being planned in Brazil.

The first holder and sponsoring organisation of the registries will be Sao Paulo University, Department of Child Neurology, Sao Paulo City.

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DMD Registry - Bulgaria
DMD Registry - Bulgaria

The Bulgarian patient registry for Duchenne/Becker Musucular Dystrophy and Spinal Muscular Atrophy is located at University Hospital Alexandrovska, Clinic of Neurology in Sofia.

More Info

Call +359888448020


DMD registry - Canada
DMD registry - Canada

The Canadian Neuromuscular Disease Registry (CNDR) is a Canada-wide registry of people diagnosed with a neuromuscular disease. It collects important medical information from patients across the country to improve the understanding of neuromuscular disease and accelerate the development of new therapies.

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DMD registry - China
DMD registry - China

The Chinese Genetic Disease Registry (CGDR) is a China-wide registry of people diagnosed with a genetic disease, especially for DMD/BMD and SMA. It collects important medical information from patients across the country to improve the understanding of genetic disease and accelerate the development of new therapies. CGDR is located at General Hospital of Chinese Armed Police Force in Beijing, which was started in September 2012. For more information please visit the CGDR website at www.dmd-registry.com or contact the CGDR National Office at [email protected].

More Info

Call 49-15904345645


DMD registry - Croatia
DMD registry - Croatia

Croatian national registry of patients with Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophy and Spinal Muscular Atrophy type I, II, III and IV is now active.

The registry has been developed by the Referral Centre for paediatric neuromuscular diseases of Croatian Ministry of health - at the Division of paediatric neurology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb (KBC Zagreb), University of Zagreb Medical School in cooperation with Croatian Alliance of Muscular Dystrophy Associations and other clinical centres in Croatia.

More Info

Website www.hddn.hlz.hr


DMD Registry - Croatia

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NMD registry - Cyprus
NMD registry - Cyprus

The Cypriot Neuromuscular Diseases (NMDcy) Registry is a Cypriot-wide registry of patients diagnosed with neuromuscular diseases. The aim of the NMDcy is the collection of important medical information from patients across the country, in order to enhance the quality of life of the patients by providing information regarding neuromuscular diseases in general and about ongoing clinical trials. The NMDcy runs in association with the Cyprus Muscular Dystrophy Association.

Dr. Nikoletta Nikoleko is the supervisor of the NMDcy as well as the curator of the DMD registry and can be contacted by e-mail at [email protected], by phone- +35799520124, or address- Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, 29 Digeni Akrita Ave, flat 21, Nicosia Cyprus.

For more information or to register visit: http://nmdcy.org/

More Info

Call +35 799 520124
Website nmdcy.org


DMD registry - Czech Republic
DMD registry - Czech Republic

The Czech and Slovak patient registry for Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy is located at the Masaryk University in Brno, where it was developed by the Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses, and is sponsored by the Czech Duchenne Parent Project.

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SMA registry - Czech Republic
SMA registry - Czech Republic

The Czech and Slovak patient registry Spinal Muscular Atrophy is located at the Masaryk University in Brno, where it was developed by the Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses.

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NMD Registry (DMD, BMD, FSHD, LGMD, GNE, DM) - Egypt
NMD Registry (DMD, BMD, FSHD, LGMD, GNE, DM) - Egypt

The Egyptian NMD registry is now open for registrations from DMD/BMD, LGMD, GNE, DM, CMD and FSHD patients in Egypt. Registrations from SMA patients will be possible in the near future. We also welcome registrations from patients with these conditions in other Arab countries. The registry aims to improve understanding about neuromuscular diseases, standards of care and treatment.

The registry is maintained by Egypt Air Hospital. For more information please contact Dr. Rasha El Sherif at [email protected] or by telephone on +202 010017580.

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DMD registry - Estonia
DMD registry - Estonia

Estonia is planning to set up TREAT-NMD patient registries for DMD/BMD and SMA.

For more information, please contact Dr Ilona Lind , who is currently based at Children´s Clinic of Tartu University Hospital.

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DMD registry - Finland
DMD registry - Finland

The Finnish NMD registry for DMD and SMA patients is maintained by The Finnish Neuromuscular Disorders Association in collaboration with Finnish universities.

If you would like more information, then please conact:

+358-44 736 1030 (from abroad) or 044 736 1030 (inside Finland)

More Info

Call +35822739700


DMD registry - France
DMD registry - France

The French registry of patients with a dystrophinopathy (Duchenne or Becker Musucular Dystrophy) is hosted at the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Inserm U827 (Director: Pr Mireille Claustres) in Montpellier and co-sponsored by the French Association for neuromuscular diseases (AFM).

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DMD registry - Germany
DMD registry - Germany

The German patient registry for Duchenne Musucular Dystrophy is located at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich and co-sponsored by the German Duchenne Parents Project benni&co.

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Hellenic Neuromuscular Disorders Registry
Hellenic Neuromuscular Disorders Registry

The Registry for DMD/SMA patients registry is currently under reconstruction. The Department of Medical Genetics, curator of the former HNDR(Hellenic Neuromuscular Disorders Registry), is currently in the process of following the current EU legislation for sensitive data processing for academic institutions in Greece. We hope to be able to activate the Hellenic registry as soon as possible.


Call 00302107795553
Website www.hndr.gr


DMD Registry - Hungary
DMD Registry - Hungary

The Hungarian patient registry for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is located at the Department of Molecular Genetics and Diagnostics of the National Institue of Environmental Health.

The registration form, the declaration of agreement and other related documents are available on the website http://izomcentrum.eu or via email or they can be requested by phone +36 14761361.

More Info

Call +3614761361
Website http://izomcentrum.eu


SMA Registry - Hungary
SMA Registry - Hungary

The Hungarian patient registry for Spinal Muscular Atrophy is located at the Department of Molecular Genetics and Diagnostics of the National Institue of Environmental Health.

More Info

Call 362151380


Muscular Dystrophy Association registry - India
Muscular Dystrophy Association registry - India

Dr V. Viswanathan, Consultant Paediatric Neurologist at the Kanchi Kamakoti CHILDS Trust Hospital, has already established a registry with support of the Indian MDA and this is accepting patients.

For further details please contact Dr Viswanathan.

More Info

Call 9840094882


DMD Registry - Iran
DMD Registry - Iran

The Iranian DMD/BMD Registry, IDBR, is a national registry for individuals with DMD/BMD conditions. The IDBR began its work with support of Molecular Medicine Network by collecting personal clinical and genetic information in 2010 from individuals with Duchenne or Becker Muscular Dystrophies.

More Info

Call UK - Sohrab Kavir - 0044 7766 356685
Website www.dystrophy.ir/en/


DMD registry - Israel
DMD registry - Israel

We invite you to participate and register for the national database of the State of Israel in order that your child can take part in future research and allow researchers and pharmaceutical companies around the world keep up the possibilities of existing research in the country.

More Info

Call 972545535563
Website www.littlesteps.org.il


DMD Regsitry - Italy

More Info


DMD/BMD Registry - Italy

More Info

Call +39 06 66182811


DMD registry - Japan
DMD registry - Japan

The Japanese DMD registry (Remudy; REgistry of MUscular Dystrophy) is located at the National center of Neurology and Psychiatry in Tokyo.

More Info

Call +81-42-346-2309


DMD registry - Latvia
DMD registry - Latvia

The Latvian Registry for DMD and SMA is in the planning phase. More information will be made available in due course.

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DMD registry - Lithuania
DMD registry - Lithuania

The Lithuanian registry for DMD and SMA patients is in the planning phase. More information will be made available in due course.

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DMD registry - Malaysia
DMD registry - Malaysia

The Malaysian registry for DMD and SMA is in the planning phase. More information will be made available in due course.

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DMD registry - Mexico
DMD registry - Mexico

The UPA! Duchenne Registry serving Latin America and Spanish speaking community patients is managed and supported by the association UPA! cura Duchenne.

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DMD Registry - Netherlands
DMD Registry - Netherlands

The Dutch patient registry for Duchenne and Becker Musucular Dystrophy is located at the University Medical Centre in Leiden. The investigator in charge is Janneke van den Bergen.

More Info

Call +31 (0)71-5265240


DMD registry - New Zealand
DMD registry - New Zealand

The NZ Neuromuscular Disease Registry covers all neuromuscular conditions including Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies (DMD and BMD), spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), myotonic dystrophy (DM) and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT).

Please contact registry curator Miriam Rodrigues or visit the registry website for further details.

More Info

Website www.nmdregistry.co.nz


DMD registry - Norway
DMD registry - Norway

The Norwegian registry for DMD and SMA is in under construction. More information will be made available in due course.

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DMD Registry - Peru
DMD Registry - Peru

The National DMD and other NMD Registry for Peruvian patients is managed and supported by the Collaboration Network named UPA! Red Hispana in collaboration with Asociación de Distrofia Muscular del Perú.

More Info

Call 511-980654809


DMD registry - Poland
DMD registry - Poland

The Polish Registry of Patients with Neuromuscular Diseases was created at the Department of Neurology, Medical University of Warsaw within the project "Clinical and genetic characteristics of neuromuscular diseases for future application of gene therapy”.

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DMD registry - Portugal
DMD registry - Portugal

The Portuguese patient registry for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is located at the Centro de Genética Médica Jacinto Magalhães, INSA, in Porto, and is supported by the Portuguese Neuromuscular Patients Association.

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DMD Registry - Romania
DMD Registry - Romania

There are two DMD registries in Romania for patients diagnosed with Duchenne / Becker Muscular Dystrophy.

One registry is run by the patient organisation Parent Project Romania and the person in charge of the registry is Isabela Tudorache. The other registry is run by Dana Craiu, Carol Davila University of Medicine.

More Info

Call +40 745 007 589


DMD registry - Russia
DMD registry - Russia

At the moment there are two independent databases - one in Moscow and one in St Petersburg. In the future, a combination of these two databases is planned.

More Info


SMA Registry - Russian


More Info

Call 79163358974


DMD registry - Serbia
DMD registry - Serbia

The Serbian patient registry for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is located at the Clinic for Pediatric and Adolescent Neurology and Psychiatry, Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade and is professional report.

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Registry of Slovenian Children with Neuromuscular Diseases
Registry of Slovenian Children with Neuromuscular Diseases

Register slovenskih otrok z živčno-mišičnimi obolenji

Registry of Slovenian children with neuromuscular diseases

More Info

Website www.pednevro.pedkl.si


DMD Registry - Spain
DMD Registry - Spain

Spanish DMD Patient Registry is a project created and led by Duchenne Parent Project Spain (DPPE) in order to have a database of patients diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy/Becker and carrier females who live in Spain.

More Info

Website https://www.duchenne-spain.org/registro-pacientes


DMD, FSHD Registry - Spain

More Info

Call +34 91 8222044


Treat-DMD Registry - Spain

More Info

Call 34955012779


DMD registry - Sudan
DMD registry - Sudan

The DMD registry for patients living in Sudan is now active.

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DMD registry - Sweden
DMD registry - Sweden

This registry is based on professional reporting system and now includes SMA, DM1, congenital myopathies, congenital muscular dystrophies, and LGMD.

For further information, please contact Björn Lindvall .

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DMD Registry - Switzerland
DMD Registry - Switzerland

The Swiss patient registry for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Spinal Muscular Atrophy is a professional-report registry located at the Neuropediatric Unit, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) in Lausanne.

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DMD Registry - Macedonia
DMD Registry - Macedonia

The Children's Hospital Neurology Department in Skopje, Macedonia, is planning to set up TREAT-NMD patient registries for DMD and SMA.

More Info

Call +38970358582


DMD Registry - Turkey
DMD Registry - Turkey

Turkish patient registries for DMD and SMA are being set up in Ankara and Istanbul, at the Hacettepe University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Muscle Disorders Unit in Ankara, and at İstanbul University, İstanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Unit.

More Info

Call 0312 3052525 / 179
Website www.kukas.info


UK DMD Registry

The UK Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Registry (The Registry) is funded and managed by Action Duchenne.

The Registry acts as a database for all patients who have been diagnosed with Duchenne or Becker Muscular Dystrophy and female carriers. Participants are required to give consent when registering and to complete a Medical Release Form (consent form) to enable Action Duchenne to contact clinicians and geneticists for medical and genetic information.

Registration and access is only authorised to people who are registered with a clinician in their country of residence because they have been diagnosed as having either Duchenne or Becker Muscular Dystrophy, are a carrier of a variant in the Dystrophin gene or are the parent or guardian of a child with a variant in the Dystrophin gene.

To register online: https://www.dmdregistry.org/login

More Info

Call +44 (0)20 7250 8240


DMD Registry - Ukraine
DMD Registry - Ukraine

The Ukrainian DMD registry started in July 2009 and in September 2009 had its first patient whose mandatory items complies with global the TREAT-NMD global registry requirements.

More Info

Call +38-097-811-18-84


DMD registry - United Kingdom
DMD registry - United Kingdom

The UK DMD registry is located at www.dmdregistry.org where parents and those living with DMD and BMD can register online.

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The Duchenne Registry
The Duchenne Registry

There are two patient registries in the USA for patients with DMD. The DuchenneConnect Patient Registry, managed by Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD) and the United Dystrophinopathy Project (UDP).

More Info

Call 18885208675


DMD registry - Venezuela
DMD registry - Venezuela

The National Register of Venezuela for patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is administered and funded by UPA! cura Duchenne in collaboration with the Children Foundation Duchenne de Venezuela.

More Info

Website www.upaduchenne.org/


Please note there is no benefit to you in registering in more than one country, since the data from each country's national registry is sent to the TREAT-NMD Global DMD Registry.

12 Apr 2017